FALCON USER’S GUIDE Falcon PAF Capability 7000 mm]6000 [ ce fa5000 r e t n I S I 4000 S om fr t 3000 h g i e H G 2000 C d oa l y 1000 Pa 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Payload Mass, including Adapter [kg] Figure 3-2: Allowable center-of-gravity height above the 1575-mm plane SpaceX requires that customers verify the mass properties of their system through measurement before shipping it to the launch site. The company may request insight into relevant analyses and testing performed for satellite qualification, acceptance and interface verification. Falcon vehicles may be able to accommodate payloads with characteristics outside the limitations indicated in this section. Please contact SpaceX with your mission-unique requirements. LAUNCH WINDOWS Falcon launch vehicles can launch any day of the year, at any time of day, subject to environmental limitations and constraints as well as range availability and readiness. Launch window times and durations are developed specifically for each mission. Customers benefit from recycle operations, maximizing launch opportunities within the launch window (Section 8.5.6). FLIGHT ATTITUDE Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy can provide payload pointing and roll control during long-duration coast phases for sun avoidance and thermal control. If requested, the Falcon second stage will point the X-axis of the launch vehicle to a customer-specified attitude and perform a passive thermal control roll of up to ±1.5 deg/sec around the launch vehicle X-axis, held to a local vertical/local horizontal (LVLH) roll attitude accuracy of ±5 deg. SEPARATION ATTITUDE AND ACCURACY Falcon launch vehicles offer 3-axis attitude control or spin-stabilized separation as a standard service. For inertial separation, the vehicle will point the second stage and payload to the desired LVLH attitude and minimize attitude rates. For spin-stabilized separation, the Falcon launch vehicle will point the second stage and payload to the desired LVLH attitude and initiate a spin about the launch vehicle X-axis at a customer-specified rate dependent upon payload mass properties. Standard pre-separation attitude and rate accuracies are developed as a mission-specific standard service. More information about separation attitude and rate accuracy is available from SpaceX upon request. © Space Exploration Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. 12