STARSHIP PAYLOAD GUIDE PERFORMANCE CREW CONFIGURATION The Starship and Super Heavy system offers SpaceX was founded with the goal of making life multi- substantial mass-to-orbit capabilities. At the baseline planetary. The Starship program is realizing this goal reusable design, Starship can deliver over 100 metric with the crew configuration of Starship. Drawing on tons to LEO. Utilizing parking orbit refueling, Starship experience from the development of Dragon for the is able to deliver unprecedented payload mass to a Commercial Crew Program, the Starship crew variety of Earth, cislunar, and interplanetary configuration can transport up to 100 people from Earth trajectories. A summary of available Starship into LEO and on to the Moon and Mars. The crew capabilities is provided in Table 3 below. The single configuration of Starship includes private cabins, large launch mass-to-orbit assumes no orbital refueling of common areas, centralized storage, solar storm Starship. The maximum mass-to-orbit assumes shelters and a viewing gallery. parking orbit propellant transfer, allowing for a substantial increase in payload mass. These performance numbers assume full Starship reuse, including Super Heavy return to launch site. For performance estimates to a specific orbit, please contact [email protected]. Orbit Mass-to-Orbit Mass-to- Single Launch Orbit Prop Transfer (t) LEO1 100+ 100+ GTO2 21 100+ Lunar Surface N/A 100+ Figure 8: Starship Crew Configuration Mars Surface N/A 100+ 1 Up to 500-km circular orbit at up to 98.9-deg inclination 2Assumes 185 x 35,786 km orbit at 27-deg inclination with 1800 m/s V to go Table 3: Expected Starship Performance ADDITIONAL CAPABILITIES Fully-reusable Starship and Super Heavy systems are expected to allow for space-based activities that have CARGO CONFIGURATION not been possible since the retirement of the Space Starship was designed from the onset to be able to Shuttle and Space Transportation System or have carry more than 100 tons of cargo to Mars and the never been possible before. With a fully reusable Moon. The cargo version can also be used for rapid Starship, satellites can be captured and repaired in point-to-point Earth transport. Various payload bay orbit, returned to Earth, or transferred to a new configurations are available and allow for fully operational orbit. For more information on additional autonomous deployment of cargo to Earth, Lunar, or capabilities or to conceptualize new ideas, please Martian surfaces with one example shown in Figure 7. contact [email protected]. Figure 7: Cargo Starship on Lunar Surface © Space Exploration Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. 5

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