FALCON USER’S GUIDE Radar Altimeter RX 4347.5-4387.5 40 FMCW FALCON EMISSIONS Payload customers must ensure that payload materials or components sensitive to RF environments are compatible with the worst-case Falcon 9 (Figure 4-11 and Table 4-11) and Falcon Heavy (Figure 4-12 and Table 4-12) launch vehicle radiated environment. These limits envelope expected emissions as calculated at the plane between the payload attach fitting (PAF) and mission specific payload adapter and do not include EMI safety margin or emissions from Avionics inside the fairing. Emissions from Avionics located inside the fairing volume are provided in Section Notch requests will be assessed for compatibility on a mission-specific basis; notches for spacecraft receivers can typically be accommodated to the fairing avionics emissions envelope (48 dBuV/m) or lower depending on clearances to the payload dynamic envelope in Figure 5-1. Figure 4-11: Falcon 9 worst-case radiated environment Table 4-11: Falcon 9 worst-case radiated environment Frequency Range (MHz) E Field Limit (dBμV/m) Launch Vehicle Transmit System 1.00 – 2200.0 90 2200.0 – 2300.0 140 S-band telemetry and video 2300.0 – 18000.0 90 © Space Exploration Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. 29