FALCON USER’S GUIDE Figure 4-12: Falcon Heavy worst-case radiated environment Table 4-12: Falcon Heavy worst-case radiated environment Frequency Range E Field Limit Launch Vehicle (MHz) (dBμV/m) Transmit System 1.00 – 2200.0 90 2200.0 – 2300.0 140 S-band telemetry and video 2300.0 – 2360.0 90 2360.0 – 2395.0 140 S-band telemetry and video 2395.0 – 18000.0 90 MAXIMUM SPACECRAFT EMISSIONS Maximum spacecraft emissions for Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy are shown in Figure 4-13 and Table 4-13. Payloads should not emit radiation in excess of the maximum allowable spacecraft emissions at any time during processing, integration or flight, as measured at the top of the payload attach fitting. Standard Falcon services do not permit active payload radiation during the countdown or flight prior to separation from the second stage. This limit envelopes expected emissions as calculated at the plane between the payload attach fitting (PAF) and mission-specific payload adapter and includes EMI safety margin. Notch requests will be assessed for compatibility on a mission-specific basis; notches for spacecraft transmitters can typically be accommodated to a level that is 6dB lower than SpaceX Avionics qualification limits. Please consult with SpaceX for your mission needs. © Space Exploration Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. 30