FALCON USER’S GUIDE 7 6 0.5, 6 5 ) 4 0.5, 4 g ( 2, 3.5 n 3 io t a r le 2 e c Ac 1 l ia Ax 0 -1 0.5, -1.5 -2 2, -1.5 0.5, -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Lateral Acceleration (g) Figure 4-1: Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy payload design load factors for “standard” mass (over 4,000 lb) FALCON 9 LOADS – LIGHT PAYLOAD MASS Figure 4-2 shows the Falcon 9 design load factors for lighter payloads (less than 4,000 lb). However, for ultra-light payloads (~2,000 lb or less), coordination with SpaceX mission management is required, since these load factors may not be adequate to design the payload. Actual spacecraft loads, accelerations and deflections are a function of both the launch vehicle and payload structural dynamic properties and can only be accurately determined via a coupled loads analysis. © Space Exploration Technologies Corp. All rights reserved. 16